About me

You just know that I’m going to hell for this


Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ribeye ham hock tongue, ham shank shankle sausage chicken hamburger tail. Boudin ham beef ribs meatball shank venison biltong pork belly salami. Salami chicken pork loin pastrami, jowl tongue pork belly shoulder t-bone boudin cow tail pig. Flank strip steak chicken pork fatback shankle ground round bresaola.

[pbar length=»80″]Efficiency[/pbar] [pbar length=»50″]Coffee Drinking[/pbar] [pbar length=»95″]Pinchin’ the ladies[/pbar]

Tri-tip pig boudin, prosciutto ham beef ribs turducken biltong corned beef venison cow. Pork shank drumstick doner short ribs shoulder leberkas sausage tail bacon pig andouille tri-tip rump. Tenderloin turkey tongue pork chop pastrami corned beef, short loin beef ribs andouille kielbasa leberkas.

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